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CHLA Applauds the Inclusion of the Homebuyers Privacy Protection of 2024 in the NDAA

(Washington, D.C.) – The Community Home Lenders of America (CHLA) applauds the inclusion of the Homebuyers Privacy Protection Act of 2024 – which would improve the homebuying process by mitigating the abusive, anti-consumer, and potentially illegal practice of trigger leads – in the FY 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).  

“The passing of S.A. 2358 would protect veterans, active-duty service members, and other consumers from abusive trigger leads,” said Rob Zimmer, director of external affairs for CHLA. “Reigning in abusive trigger leads has been an initiative that CHLA has spearheaded for nearly two years. We urge the House and Senate to pass the conference report to the NDAA and for the president to quickly sign this into law.”  

In November of 2022, CHLA sent a letter to the CFPB highlighting the significant concerns trigger lead solicitations impose on the homebuying process. This past July, CHLA reiterated our concerns in a second letter to the CFPB, asking for trigger leads to be characterized as “junk calls” and appropriately investigate and monitor such abusive actions.