Washington, D.C – March 10, 2025 – TheCommunity Home Lenders of America (CHLA) released the following statement in response to HUD’s action, published in the Federal Register – https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2025-03-10/pdf/2025-03758.pdf: – to delay by six months the compliance deadline for a requirement that new homes financed with FHA loans must meet the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) energy standards for new homes:
“The Community Home Lenders of America (CHLA) applauds HUD’s action to delay the compliance date for the pending requirement that new homes financed by FHA single family loans must meet IIEC energy standards.
CHLA had called for elimination of this federal incursion into local construction standards – a proposal, whose main impact would have been to deny FHA loans for many homebuyers of new homes. Therefore, CHLA calls on FHA to use this delay to take final action to permanently shelve this proposal,” said Scott Olson, Executive Director of the CHLA.
HUD promulgated the FHA new construction energy standards in April 2024 – https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/minimum-energy-standards/ – with an effective compliance date of November of 2025. Today’s announcement delays that for an additional six months, “to provide additional time for the administration to review questions of fact, law and policy supporting the Final Determination,” as stated in today’s Federal Register notice.
About Community Home Lenders of America
Community Home Lenders of America (CHLA) is the only national non-profit association that exclusively focuses on small and mid-sized community-based mortgage lenders. The mission of the CHLA is to promote federal mortgage programs, rules, and regulations which treat community mortgage lenders fairly, and which reflect the critical importance that community mortgage lenders play in providing broad access to credit for borrowers, in increasing competition in mortgage markets, and in providing borrowers with quality mortgage services and access to loans at a local level. Learn more: https://www.communitylender.org/ or by following the organization’s LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/community-home-lenders-association-inc/.